Maybe it's the festivities creeping up on me, maybe I'm still celebrating from the news a couple of days ago... see below. But I spent the last few days rereading all my own favorite blogs and wondering... if I had to pick one posting from one page that sums up everything I have loved about the last twelve months of my on-line meanderings, what would it be?
It would be this.... from Drenched and Delicious - the best-named site in sight, and a story so delicious that I wish i'd written it myself. Thanks, Drenched - for the words and for finding the picture as well.
Thanks Jenny. I'm honored you enjoyed the head week post so much. So much of what I love and why was expressed in that post.
Much love this holiday season from one cock whore to another (wink)
Interesting site Jen, and your right the picture is a great addition to the blog. The BJ Week post is a good read as well. Merry Xxxmas!
What a beautiful photo - I love it! There's something almost calm and serene, about it. It's lovely! And I very much enjoyed reading the blog entry too; it has even given me some new ideas *grins*
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