Thank you J Gentry!!!!
A unique voice in erotic fiction, January 31, 2012
By J. Gentry (New Fairfield, CT USA) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: The First Time and 59 Other Magical Minutes (Kindle Edition)
Erotic writing is difficult. It takes a real talent to bring a unique voice to a genre full of wannabe's of modest talent. Jenny Swallows, through verse and rhyme, has achieved something new. Her tales are visually full, verbally explicit and paced the way only poetry can be. I didn't think someone could write 59 poems about sex and still have them interesting and mind bending. I was wrong. Jenny Swallows did it.
I am not a big reader of erotica because it gets boring quickly. Sorry. Most writers are missing something basic. Good writing skills. Jenny combines her own lust to fulfill her needs with a masterful sense of expression. She brings you into her mind. It is a journal of her experience and extensions of fantasy written in first person. It is as much confessional as it is descriptive. That is the compelling part of the read. Whether fact or fiction, you feel her emotions and wit and sense of raw passion. Yes, she does not hit a home run on every poem, but in most cases she tells you up front that the lyric is a stretch or the rhyme is pathetic.
I am sure that among the poems there will be one or two that come back to you over and over. That is the power of her imagery. You can almost hear her gasping for air. Read the poems, you'll know what I mean.
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