when real life suddenly turns into Asshole Wonderland and every guy you meet is a moron... what fun to go Virtual and put all that other shit to one side for a few hours. Most of the guys are probably still morons, but at least they don't ask for your phone number.
I've been playing on Second Life for a week now and... I'm loving it. I found the coolest club, the Dark Side Clubhouse - it's BDSM oriented, but catering for all sorts and tastes, they host regular slave auctions (no I won't be buying or being bought), regular concerts (I saw Fleetwood Mac there this eveing. Really!), there's tons of members-only facilities, a 24 hour dance club... and yes, you can come watch me dance there - pics to follow. And there's a library that you have to see to believe. Anyway, if you're already on Second Life, or if you're thinking about, do drop in and say hello... I'll be the pole dancer in the Night Porter outfit. Or the nurse's uniform. Or whatever else takes my fancy.
Dark Side Clubhouse
Members: 3267
Founder: Lasher Oh
Open Enrollment
Dark Side Clubhouse the friendliest BDSM community with free facilities, events, concerts, auctions & more. Chill out with open minded others or indulge yourself. Group IM chatter is allowed but ad spam is forbidden. All 1st time visitors to the Clubhouse receive a follow-up group invite
Every Kink you can think and a whole lot morehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Moorsby/25/169/67

Hell, I just joined Second Life and I can't even figure out how to get dressed let alone to find a guy (moron or not)
Lol! Let's figure out a way of meeting up and I'll see if I can help you... my name there is Jennys Willful, just search for me and IM xxx
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