Abducted by the Daleks is not the greatest movie ever made... but come on! Daleks and naked girls! What more could you want?

the ultra-luscious Jo Grant. As I was saying, naked girls and Daleks...

Amy Pond. When good ideas go very very bad.
Doctor Who is back.
Saturday night, BBC America.
There was a time, a couple of years ago, when those words would have kept me happy for days... if not weeks. (Ignore this if
you don't watch Britain's once-greatest televisual export). Now I just sigh despondently as an unnecessarily convoluted plot promises to grow even more bafflingly obtuse, and amuse myself with the wise words of my friend Dave... "Matt Smith is a Toblerone-headed cunt."
To which I add, "and Amy Pond would look better with a face full of jizz."
Which is slightly misleading, because lots of women look better with a face full of jizz. But I'm sure you know what I mean.
Anyway, in honor of the fact that I have enough old Doctor Who DVDs that I could blot out the entire rest of the new season with the classics (although I know I won't), here's a few pics to remind us of the *real* reasons why we love the show.
And here are some more.

(OMG, there's a volume one as well?)
1 comment:
My cable system finally has BBC America! Should I bother watching Who or just stick to the reruns of Next Generation, X-Files and Battlestar?
(Wow, why does BBCA get all the great American sci-fi shows, while the Syfy channel runs shit?)
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